Impaired Risk

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The most valuable tool for getting the best offer on an Impaired Risk case is providing adequate information. It is in the agent’s and the client’s best interest to obtain as much information as possible in order to make writing an Impaired Risk case as easy as possible. The biggest delays in these hard to place cases are generally caused by incomplete information. Investech, Inc. has several outlets for your tough cases and can provide competitive offers. Here are some guidelines to avoid the common pitfalls of the Impaired Risk case.


Shopping The Case

If you have a case that you feel is Impaired Risk, you can call, email or fax us with the information and we’ll be able to provide a tentative offer! Fill out our “client worksheet” form and fax it to us and we will send to our Impaired Risk carriers. Here are some important questions to ask your client before you call for a quote:

  • Name of Condition.
  • Date of Onset.
  • What Treatment or Medications Have Been Prescribed.

We can usually provide a “Ballpark” offer based on this information. For more involved cases, we suggest sending in medical records for our underwriters to review. It can usually take at least a week for an offer on cases sent with medical records. We also have a variety of specialized questionnaires for specific conditions. We can fax these to you or they can be accessed on our website.


Submitting an Impaired Risk Case

Once you have received a tentative offer, you can submit the formal application. Here are some guidelines to help expedite underwriting:

  • Provide a cover letter with the application.
  • Provide completed questionnaires pertaining to your client’s history.
  • Provide a copy of the offer you received from National Brokerage.
  • Provide name, address and phone number for ALL physicians your client may have consulted.

Hopefully, these tips will help alleviate any anxiety about writing Impaired Risk cases. They are going to take longer to underwrite, but with a little preparation in the beginning; you can avoid unnecessary delays.